
pywinauto_recorder.player.triple_left_click(element_path=None, duration=None, mode=MoveMode.linear, button=ButtonLocation.left, click_count=1, timeout=None, wait_ready=True)

This function is a partial function derived from the click() general function. The parameters of the function are set with the following values:

  • button=ButtonLocation.left

  • click_count=3

    Clicks on found element.

    Example of code using the ‘click’ function:
    from pywinauto_recorder.player import click, MoveMode
    click("Calculator||Window->*->One||Button", mode=MoveMode.x_first, duration=4)
    param element_path

    element path

    param duration

    duration in seconds of the mouse move (it doesn’t take into account the time it takes to find) (if duration is -1 the mouse cursor doesn’t move, it just sends WM_CLICK window message, useful for minimized or non-active window).

    param mode

    move mouse mode: MoveMode.linear, MoveMode.x_first, MoveMode.y_first

    param button

    mouse button: ButtonLocation.left, ButtonLocation.middle, ButtonLocation.right

    param click_count

    number of clicks

    param timeout

    period of time in seconds that will be allowed to find the element

    param wait_ready

    if True waits until the element is ready


    Pywinauto wrapper of clicked element

    raises FailedSearch

    if the element is not found

Return type
